


VERA Health and Education providers are licensed therapists and accredited physicians certified in internal medicine, family practice, emergency medicine, and other specialties. They have incorporated VERA Health and Education into their practice to provide affordable, convenient access to quality care for patients from around the world.

You can choose to be part of VERA Health and Education’s growing list of providers and receive compensation for every visit completed. VH&E’s cloud-based virtual medical platform makes it possible for patients, healthcare professionals, and plan administrators to collaborate seamlessly and securely collect and share clinical data from patient medical records, lab results, and in-home biometric devices for real-time risk assessments, lifestyle advice, genetic testing, diagnosis, second opinion and treatment.

Take your practice to the next level. Become a VERA Health and Education team member, and be one of our exclusive virtual medicine providers.


Virtual Medicine for Professionals

Our drive is to empower Nations, by sourcing their most valuable health assets and magnifying their presence through technological innovation, creating never before seen access to quality care and information from within.

Richard VisserCEO